Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh Great. Another Summit.

Obama stated yesterday, in one of his rare (not) public appearances, that he want Republicans to come to the White House later this month for a "bipartisan" healthcare summit. Obama refuses to scrap his 2000+ page healthcare-destruction leviathan and start over. This leads me to think that he is not interested in doing what Americans want, which is to enact common-sense reforms, tweak the system, while preserving the greatest health care in the world. No. Obama insists on holding fast to the deals he cut with trial lawyers, big PhRMA , unions and lawmakers. In fact, I think the Democrats are the only ones who could put forth a plan that includes fines and jail time, and call it an entitlement.

House Republican Leader John Boehner said that it is not that Americans do not understand Obama's plan. Americans do understand the plan, and we don't like it.

If Obama were serious about healthcare reform, he would sit down with Republican lawmakers and start over. A modest bill could address issues of pre-existing conditions, tort reform and insurance portability. I'm not going to hold my breath.

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