Sunday, February 7, 2010

Still Waters Run Deep

Do you know a blogger named Jamie Jeffords? He writes the Eye of Polyphemus blog, which is mostly about science fiction and beautiful women. Occasionally he writes about politics and current events and I look forward to these posts with great anticipation. His analysis of the issues is always spot-on. Jeffords modestly claims to be "living down" his law degree. And I don't doubt his credentials. His literacy cries out from the pages of his blog. And he is polite.

For example. I know I should do full-metal-jacket-wraparound posts every week or so. In fact I have done one or 2 along the way. But I found out that these posts are time consuming and take a lot of thought and effort. Reading. Making a list. Copying/pasting all the links. Jeffords makes these posts every week, twice a week, in his FMJW and Blogroll Spotlight posts.

And although Jeffords is the strong silent type and does not comment much, he does read often and is a steady and loyal blogging friend. He will be a solid addition to your blogroll if he is not there already, and I guarantee you that his blog is a NO DRAMA zone.

Here is Jeffords' Blogroll Spotlight for this week:

It is time for the weekly round up of favorite posts from my blogroll. As usual, these are not ranked, but in alphabetical order by blog title.

Amused Cynic exposes the shame that is
Katie Couric, Vetter of vice Presidential Candidates.

Amusing Bunii's Musings talks about how the brutish Chicago Way has become the brutish
Washington Way.

Big Feed has video footage of Tom Daschle getting rescued from being bogged in sow...
by a FOX Newscrew. Heh.

Camp of th Ssints presents barack obama,
The Atheist Messiah.

Classic Liberal says
John McCain is a tyrant. Yes, but if he loses the nomination but wins reelection by pulling a Joe Lieberman, will he not be even more insufferable as asenator?

Daley G ator says America was not foouded on

Five Feet of Fury asks, 'You journalists sure are
full of yourselves, huh/"

Jaded Haven wrote
Cat's Cradle.

Left Coast Rebel analyzes Sarah Palin's
keynote address to thhe National Tea Party Covention.

MAinfo finds Democrats love them some

Mind Numbed Robot has
Exploding Breast Implants of Death. well not him personally. It is a news article.

Other McCain is in

Proof Positive has
California demon Sheep.

Paco Enterprises remembers
Ronald Reagan.

Right-Wing Extreme has the
Joke of the Week.

Teresamerica also pays tribute to
Ronald reagan.

Troglopundit continues the
Danice patrick lovefest.

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