Saturday, February 6, 2010

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans-Gallup

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than one-third of Americans (36%) have a positive image of "socialism," while 58% have a negative image. Views differ by party and ideology, with a majority of Democrats and liberals saying they have a positive view of socialism, compared to a minority of Republicans and conservatives.

Americans' Image of Socialism

Oh dear. This explains a lot. No wonder we are locked in a battle for control of our country. The parasites have taken over. But we can beat them back of we band together. American small business should NOT be treated like a host organism. Cynical socialists win supporters by whipping up class envy. They forget that the poor do not provide jobs.
I also view this as a failure of our educational system. The socialists have made deep inroads into American society.
h/t gallup.

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