Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Partisan Politics Must Be Banned From Our Schools

There are serious problems in the education community in our country. The problems come from a variety of sources. There must be a variety of solutions if this country is to provide future generations with the best possible opportunities for success. There is no one best option for educating our children. Public, private, and home education each has its strengths and weaknesses, and in a free society each option should be available for parents to choose for their children. One thing is certain; there is no room in publicly funded American education for the political indoctrination of our children by any political party. If the government is going to mandate that children attend school for a certain period of time in their lives, it is critically important that the government maintains the highest ethical standard of instruction, as free as is humanly possible from political bias. Teachers should teach our children and let those children decide for themselves, and neither lead nor lure them to a predetermined conclusion.

The teacher in Ohio who gave his students hand-outs covering President Obama’s Organizing for America (OFA) program was completely wrong. The material distributed in his classroom included an application for joining OFA, a program that is clearly a tool for pushing the Democratic Party’s political agenda. Just look at theirwebsite, paid for by the DNC. This one sided classroom presentation did not include any material covering opportunities for participation in any other political party in America. It is a complete outrage that a public school teacher used his classroom to push his political agenda on his students, no matter his party affiliation.

Our nation’s children are not getting the education that they need. Our schools should be focusing their attention on teaching our children in such a manner that they do not continuously fall behind their international peers in math and science. News article after news article after news article reports that US students are failing miserably. Why don’t we require our students to have mastered a basic understanding of the US Constitution before they leave high school? Maybe if our students were required to learn basic accounting our citizens wouldn’t have borrowed 2.1 trillion dollars in 26.5 billion credit card transactions in 2008. If they knew how dangerous this level of credit is to their personal finances they might not accept a federal government with $12,364,401,838,647.44 worth of debt (as of 15 Feb 2010 at 07:53:02 PM GMT) that has grown by “an average of $3.85 billion per day since September 28, 2007.”

More at Boarding in Bedlam.
I love a well-written blog post. Arby, you worded this one just right. We must keep politics away from our children in the school setting. Kids are sitting ducks for whatever agenda teachers might want to push at them. Children are particularly vulnerable to influences and it is our obligation to protect them. I don't let my kids watch much commercial TV for the same reason. I don't like subjecting their innocence to the wiles of Madison Avenue.

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