Friday, April 2, 2010

Class or Crass: The Obama White House

I received this email from someone connected in D.C. It doesn't surprise me at all. Since Obama hired his cabinet with less than 7% real-world experience, I imagine he wanted to end up with kids too young to call him on his mistakes.
"I'm hanging out at the Starbucks that I do when I come to observe the creatures running the government. I am a block from the White House and the closest coffee shop. They walk in with their White House badges hanging openly. And what do I see?
A continuous parade of Girly Men. Queer hipster glasses. Corduroy coats. So much skinniness, among the men it makes me reach for the hand sanitizer. Dippy Happening Girls using "like" every fifth word. Flighty indecisive female speech patterns. Hair twirling. Male contests to drop big Ivy League words in their conversations. Gripes about their personal circumstances aired in public. That snarky aura of twenty-something entitlement. Such is Starbucks near the modern White House. I remember when the women around here had class, manners, grace and looked like ladies."

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