Monday, April 5, 2010

Momentum Is With Tea Party

Rasmussen says 48% of Americans feel that the Tea Party more closely represents their views than Obama (44%).

This is GREAT. Despite the Alinsky smear tactics of the left wing media, the message is getting out and resonating. We are winning the war for the hearts and minds of America. And remember what Pelosi said. We will learn about this health care bill AFTER we pass it. As we come closer and closer to the November elections, the Tea Party number will continue to GROW. Even Legal Insurrection's liberal friend converted, and ate humble pie while doing it "You were right about Obama."

We must go the next step by finding good local and state candidates for office and donating/volunteering to help them. Think you can't afford to donate anymore? You can't afford NOT to. If we don't take back the country this November you won't have to worry about your wallet at all. Obama knows how to take care of it for you.

Courage! Once more into the breach!

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