Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fiscal Issues Take Precedence Over Social Issues

Bipartisanship may be overrated in politics, but in the electorate I feel that we all, as Americans, need to fix the HUGE financial mess we are in. Rising debt will CRUSH this country. I implore moderate and conservatives and even old-fashioned liberals of all political stripes to vote for fiscally conservative candidates this fall. Our present administration is attempting to spend us all into bankruptcy. Please, PLEASE let us put aside our social differences for a while, get our house in order, then later we can argue about social niceties.
Clayton Cramer at Pajamas Media says:

4. Financial collapse takes precedence over everything else.

I’m mostly a social conservative. I don’t agree with libertarians on some issues, and vice versa. But guess what? We’ve got a bigger problem.

Moody’s is talking about the possibility of lowering the rating of U.S. Treasury bonds because of how severe the deficits are that Obama is intent on creating. Lowering the rating means that the interest rate that the government has to pay goes up — and that makes it that much harder to pay down the national debt when Congress again has adult supervision. We all need to focus on a smaller and more fiscally responsible federal government, and elect either conservatives or libertarians to Congress as appropriate to a particular congressional district. We have a common enemy that is larger than our differences.

We can still debate, but anyone who sits out a campaign because “he’s a libertarian” or “she’s a conservative” is helping to elect someone that is neither.

Excerpt from Pajamas Media Rules For Republicans. But I feel this particular rule applies equally to all Americans who love and want to preserve what is left of our country.

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