Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lieberman Has A Backbone, You Must Admit

And I mean a really strong one. Like Bachmann or Palin. He can stand up and take heat if necessary. And that is why I like him. I may not always agree with him. But I have to hand it to anyone, especially in today's political climate, who can stand up to everybody and stand by his principles.

Indeed, at HuffPo, some of the commenters there are foaming at the mouth. Lieberman has sent a subpoena to the Obama Administration to produce information about the Nidal Hasan shooting. HuffPo commenters accuse him of grandstanding. Apparently anybody who dares question The Won will be attacked. They also accuse him of being single-handedly responsible for tanking the public option in Obamacare. I seem to recall some personal attacks against his wife and vigils held outside his home. Did he back down? No.

After watching this administration shred the Constitution for over a year, it is satisfying to see them on the wrong end of a subpoena. It's about time. Full Democrat supermajorities have led to an anything-goes atmosphere in Washington that is anything but ethical. Does the Obama Administration need to keep Hasan's information secret to protect his prosecution? Maybe. They can tell it to the judge, so to speak.

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