Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Allies in Courage

I walked away from the talk last night in Los Angeles by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer feeling grateful. Sure Geller and Spencer have a world-view that would shock many, but as a blogger I cannot say I was shocked. We are locked in an ideological war whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. The left wants to control our freedom of speech through new "laws" and our methods of production through punishing taxes. The jihadists want to control our freedom through conquest. The world is now and has always been a dangerous place. Ronald Reagan believed in Peace Through Strength. Strength worked back in the 1980s and it would work now, except we have a weak president who often sides with our enemies. One thing I didn't fully understand until last night is how serious an act of treason it was for Obama to support the UN resolution against anti-islamic hate speech. When hate speech can (and is, in Europe) be misconstrued to mean mere reporting on jihadist activities, our God-given rights to free speech, as documented in our Constitution, are in grave jeopardy. Obama sides with our foes against our Constitution, which he has sworn to protect and defend against all enemies. Of course, the Constitution has always been a barrier to any would-be tyrant. He seeks to take more of our liberties and more and more as time passes. God bless America and God help us get through Obama's reign. We need His help and we need the help and efforts of all Americans who believe in freedom. Keep blogging, tweeting and being active in our communities and on school boards. This struggle is real and the outcome will determine what kind of nation our children live in. Do we give them Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill? Or something else.

Most importantly I want to thank you and thank all of our brave allies in the blogosphere for pushing through the struggle which can become personal at times. Particularly Geller and Spencer have received violent threats based on their blogging and public advocacy, and yet they persevere. Donald Douglas has been reported to his boss at work for his blogging efforts and continues to struggle with those attacks. My own blog was called to the attention of the divorce court in the custody battle for my children. The struggle becomes personal.

And thank you to LL, a staunch ally and blogging friend. I love the new header he made for this blog with the new title *American Perspective*. He had made the old MAinfo header as well. His piece from last night is important reading. He says that we are now past the tipping point and that war between Israel and Iran is inevitable, because of Iran's nuclear ambitions. And that this would necessarily involve our troops because American bases in the middle east would undoubtedly come under fire by Iran. Our weak, quasi-muslim president practically invites attack.

And yet I am hopeful. The spirit of the Israelis under Benjamin Netanyahu is indomitable. And our American Spirit is a rock-solid force. We will not submit to tyranny.

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