Sunday, August 1, 2010

Obama Is A Worse Snoop Than Bush

Obama wants the CIA to team up with Google to track all of our internet surfing. The Patriot Act, removing the constitutional requirement for "probable cause" was bad enough under Bush. Obama promised to get rid of the Patriot Act. But once in office, he not only kept the Patriot Act in place, he now seeks to invade our privacy even further. Both the Patriot Act and this new spying plan ignore our constitutionally protected rights to privacy of our "papers and effects". 200 years ago, there were no emails, but I bet if you asked our founding fathers, they would agree that emails are the modern equivalent of "papers" which shall not be searched without a warrant.

Why is the American left not screaming daily about the Patriot Act. It was BAD when George W. Bush did it, but it is OK now that Obama does it? And now Obama wants more power? Come on, lefties. Show some character. Unconstitutional is unconstitutional no matter which president is in office.

H/T Gateway Pundit.

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