Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Memories of Marilyn

To be honest, she died before I was born. And my family never mentioned her when I was a preschooler that I recall. They mentioned John F. Kennedy, though. We were a Catholic family and I got a sense of deep mourning, and the feeling that all the good ones got taken away.

The first time I ever heard of Marilyn Monroe I was intrigued. I was watching The Munsters, and Grandpa Munster mentioned how much he loved Marilyn Monroe and how beautiful she was.

She was indeed a beautiful and tragic figure. There was an interesting story on her recently. An eyewitness who was present at her last weekend with Sinatra at the Cal-Nevada lodge gave an interview and some insight into what might have led to her death.

Regardless, she is and will always be an icon. Dead at 36, at the height of her beauty, forever young.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Mr. President.

Thanks for the rule 5 linkage. Especially Linkmaster Smith, Donald Douglas and Theospark.

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