Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tax Hikes on the Rich = Joblessness

This story is interesting, as are the comments on BoomerJeff's site. He has a liberal troll who tries to refute his numbers and substitute new ones, but Jeff stands strong and shoots down the arguments pretty effectively. As for the idea that businesses making over 200K are less than 2% of businesses, that is designed to obfuscate the issue. Most small businesses barely support the business owner. Some support one or 2 extra employees. The ones in the market for hiring would have been the ones with profit over 200K per year, but Obama has targeted them. And where will this money go? Not to worker bees, but to welfare slugs and political groups.
After deliberately, adding more than $2 Trillion to the federal debt in his first 18 months in office the President and the Democrats are beginning to feel a sense of foreboding.
They have suddenly pivoted from profligate spending to seeking ways to wrench more money out of the private sector into the government till.
The first group Democrats want to suffer tax punishment as a result of the Obama deficits is “the rich,” defined as earning over $200,000, who are now targeted for a tax increase.
The problem with a tax hike on  “the rich,” as more and more Republicans are finally saying out loud, is that it’s also a tax hike on the small business sector that creates most of the new jobs.
Read more by BoomerJeff here.

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