Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Huffing and Puffing About Fox News' Front Row Seat

via frugalcafe
This makes me smile. It was bad enough for the poor lefties when their sanctified National Public Radio got snubbed in favor of Fox News for the front row seat at White House briefings. Then Bill O'Reilly had to go and rub it in their faces by crowing how HE has a press pass and anticipates ending up in that seat from time to time, along with (gasp) Glenn Beck and Hannity. Feast your eyes on the angst of our devoted Left Huffpo commenters:

via @panamarine:
Let's calm down. LOL. He is only saying that he's going to be in FOX's front row seat ---in JEST. He's joking! You know Bill, he's pulling our legs. It's like the Alcoholic Uncle saying he's going to "crash" your daughter's wedding and show up uninvited to annoy everyone. What do you do? You divert him to the local bar and tell him that's where the reception will be. And be assured he will be there all night waiting for the "guests" to show up. Same thing with what Billsaid, the White House will not honor his wishes to sit in the seat. He is NO Journalist. Plus, a White House pass is needed, and I am sure Bill would not get the Secret Service's approval, neither would Beck or Hannity. Think about it. They are antagonistic to the President in mean-spireted and spiteful ways = Disrespectful. So they would not take a chance on those guys showing up and throwing a shoe at the President. LOL

via @dreamweaver2nd:
Fox "News" is not news. They are not journalists. They do not report the news. Why does the White House give in. Fox Lies. Fox Spews. Does not deserve a seat in the press room. This is awful! Where oh where is our free press? Fox: Not American owned. Murdoch and his partner, a Saudi prince, don't have the interests of the USA in mind ... {Opus: note the buy-American meme when it suits them}

via @Fi:
If Bill O'Reilly,can take the Fox seat, then Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann can sit in the MSNBC seat, on the same day hopefully, can't wait.

via @FHTB:
It will be something alright when his sorry loudmouthed a-- is haued out by Secret inane comment, and you're outta there Bill, Beck or Hannity...don't EVEN try it!

Oh, this is too rich!

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