Friday, August 13, 2010

September 11th Was NOT About "Optics" As Kos Kook Says

One of the comments at Gateway Pundit referred to this video as rebuttal to the @%$! at Daily Kos who said that 9/11 was more about "optics than actual harm". The crashing sounds of the bodies as they exploded onto the pavement were like bombs. I don't call that optics.

What a bunch of whiny, immature fools write over at the Daily Kos. They are upset because our memories of 9/11 get in the way of their progressive agenda. And by minimizing that happened that day, they hope to get beyond it. But they only succeed in exposing themselves for the foolish babies that they are. We learned lessons that day. We continue to grieve as a nation. And we will never, never forget.

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