Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pollster: Mood of the Country is "Pre-Revolutionary"

"The Democratic party is fracturing....The issue is very simple. Who is sovereign in this country. The people or the political class....We are headed for a tidal wave in November the likes of which I don't even know the dimensions of....And by the way, the voters in Michigan and Missouri, where you can choose which ballot you want to take, 2-1 chose a Republican is a heavily Democratic state and the other is a swing state. There is a message there and it isn't pretty."

Obamacare, the 9-11 mosque, the auto company takeovers, endless stimulus (looting of our national treasury) shoving things down our throats doesn't seem to be working for the Democrats. If you haven't seen this video yet, it is perfect for a Good News Sunday post.

Hat Tip Shawsblog.

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