Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gay Sex Ed Plan For Montana Elementary Schools, Meeting Last Night

They allowed no public comment. And the local news crew emphasized how few protesters there were, but did not point out how well-attended the meeting was. Perhaps those in attendance were there to protest? They were not allowed to speak, although a few wore t-shirts with protestations on them. Probably a good idea, to prevent their position from being mischaracterized.  {If video embed does not work, here is a link to the local news story.}

At heart here is the shocking plan that drew protests 4 weeks ago that started sex ed in Kindergarten, and homosexual ed in first grade. With the full gamut of sexual positions and practices TAUGHT in fifth grade. Plan supporters claim that since there is an opt-out provision that parents who object should be mollified, but I disagree. Even if "Johnny" is not present for the propaganda session, if most of his classmates are, he will likely receive an earful when he gets back to the playground.  And did you know that Planned Parenthood was part of the committee that came up with this plan?  Why am I not surprised.  After all, Planned Parenthood stands to profit from early sexualization of children.  More clients at a younger age equals more revenue.

I feel that parents should educate their children about these issues. I recall in fourth grade being shown a film in school that talked about menstruation. And in high-school science class being taught about condoms and diaphragms. Not once did anybody mention same-sex sex, or same-sex living situations. I think it is not age-appropriate to discuss these issues with first graders. I suspect the homosexual lobby wants to get to our kids while they are still young and impressionable, but that does not make it the right thing to do.

Let our children grow up in peace.

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