Saturday, August 21, 2010

Whiny Lament: Liberals Don't Like Obama Either

Sometimes I take a walk on the wild side, so you don't have to. There was some information in this rant that was new to me. I didn't know that Sotomayor and Kagan are viewed by the left as "moderates at best". It will be interesting to see how the disappointed progressives vote in November. If they vote at all, that is.

Instead, we have a de facto minority government, organized and instituted, operated with oily efficiency by the Republicans in the Senate, combined with the Obama administration's capitulation thinly disguised as a bipartisan attempt. Those in charge at the White House and in the Democratic Party ought to be asking: Who voted for that? And: Who will vote for that... again? What is representative democracy if the representatives won't follow the will of the majority who voted for them?

Instead of taking their mandate seriously - instead of being "the ones we were waiting for" - this Democratic Party and this Democratic President have simply failed to lead. The never-ending wars continue unabated. The Supreme Court gets more women, but they are moderates at best, not progressives. Gitmo is still open. Constitutional abuses of civil liberties under Bush/Cheney have become the policy of the Obama administration. These failures plus the meager, insufficient and less than promised legislative results are just not enough for those who didn't vote Democratic for 64 years -but did vote for Obama - to do it anytime soon again. The protests may come from the President's spokesman, even from Obama himself, but the sad fact remains - we have not seen "Change We Can Believe In" and the current crop of Democrats are certainly not the ones we've been waiting for.
More here.

Kind of laughable to blame the Republicans in the Senate. What a joke. Poor little thing can't live unless they have a super majority.

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