Thursday, July 9, 2009

Barack Obama Update

"For those of us who were fully aware of what the screaming Ogasm would do in office, this is exactly what we expected. We had no delusions about him being a socialist and anti-American. Realizing this inexperienced "community organizer" was going to win the Presidency, this was the prediction. He will overreach. He will nationalize major sectors of the economy. He will spend uncontrollably. He will TAX everyone. He will embrace the enemy. He will not save or create millions of jobs. He will not improve the economy. He will not improve people's lives. He will not change how DC operates. He will not be more transparent. He will not do what he said. He will execute the democrats plan to socialize this country and redistribute its wealth. He will take us from a society of abundance to one of scarcity.

Now those who voted for him know these things. Now they're experiencing them first-hand. And, they're not liking it. Now maybe they'll understand that they too would have known this if the MSM had bothered to even crack the hood on this guy. Plain as day. He's not an enigma. He's not a blank screen. They just determined it was NOT important enough to dig into. we know that the MSM is not unbiased and lacks the veracity to do what our founders intended of the press. Be forthright, objective and a TRUTH seeker for the PEOPLE.

World of hurt's coming now. With numbers tanking everything has to be rammed through and fast. The Democrats aren't listening to the PEOPLE. The MSM aren't informing the PEOPLE about the reality about to be thrust upon them.

Saying "I told you so" to those who voted for this man just rings hollow. Is this the hope they envisioned? Is this the change they sought? VERY PROUD not to be one of them.


I saw this comment on Gateway Pundit and I couldn't resist.

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