Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Pleasures

Summer is not my favorite season. It's too HOT. In Southern California where I live, the heat is unrelenting. I love fall. I think because it brings the promise of 9 months without summer.

There are pleasures, however. I try to focus on them.

The bougainvillea are in full bloom right now. Driving down dusty roads yields shocking seas of magenta blossoms.

Also, the Crape Myrtle trees are gearing up for a frontal assault. They amaze me. During the cool, wet months they sleep, stick-like, among the blooming flowers and plants. As spring wears into summer, the plants and flowers droop one by one until this quiet tree bursts forth in a solo performance, standing up to the full force of the summer sun.

And what summer day would be complete without an old favorite song to listen to.

Let's not forget the seaside picnic. Dig in!

And an afternoon hello to the lovely ladies of Ann's Virtual Girl's Night out.

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