Monday, July 13, 2009

Baseball All Star Game = Obama Time?

I am SO tired of his over-exposed face. Can someone calculate the carbon footprint of his endless travels?
"Barack Obama, self-described sports aficionado, friend of our foes, and narcissist of the year, found another golden opportunity to project himself on the world stage. He also probably noticed that his face has not yet graced the cover of Sports Illustrated. In order to correct that dreadful oversight, Obama has decided to inject himself into America's national pastime and be the first President since Gerald Ford in 1976 to toss the first pitch.

Perhaps Obama believes that this will help further ingratiate him to the likes of the Castro brothers and other Latin American despots who also enjoy a good game of baseball. Maybe he will even join MLB's talent scouts on a trip to Cuba to choose the next Tony Perez or Luis Tiant since world travel on the taxpayers' dime seems to be something that Obama quite enjoys. However, since Obama declined an invitation from the Cincinnati Reds to throw out the first pitch at the Civil Rights Game this past Saturday against his beloved Chicago White Sox, as well as requests by the White Sox and the Nationals to toss the ball for their season openers, my guess is that the media attention surrounding the All Star Game was simply too irresistible." more at American Thinker.

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