Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Son, I'm Sorry

Tim on Resist Net wrote this letter to his son after the second stimulus cleared the Senate:
Dear Son,
I woke this afternoon to the news that the Senate had passed this so called Stimulus.
I wrote letters, I sent e-mails, I made phone calls. Still I let you down, I am sorry.
For the decades of debt that has been put on your generation, I am sorry.
I know my generation has failed to maintain a watchful eye, I am sorry.
For allowing Government to get out of control, I am sorry.
For failing to secure your freedom and Liberty, I am sorry.
I have studied our Founding Fathers, and the Founding Documents. I will continue to learn and fight to return this Country to the Constitution on which it was founded. I promise you, I will do all in my power to stop this insanity before we hand the reigns to your generation. Please give me another chance. I Love You, Dad

This letter sums up the feelings of political helplessness that have plagued me these past months. The checks and balances written into our constitution are not working. I fear for us all. Please register and vote conservative in 2010 and bring balance back into government.

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