Friday, July 10, 2009

Cramer says US Gov't Depressing Financial Markets

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"The government seems to propose a tax a day to keep the profits away. The government seems to make us all feel like we should be investing in another country. Hey, you know what I want to be investing in (hits Chinese gong). It makes me think we could rally as much as 500 points if everybody in Washington just goes to the beach....if the news media would just black out the Bolshevik Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, it could be worth a couple of hundred points in the Dow, too. Come on, Madame Speaker, do it for the good of your country!" says Cramer, a popular American financial guru.

I hate to go all "conspiracy theory", but I sometimes wonder if the collapse of financial markets is not the plan. From chaos can emerge a New World Order. Cramer better watch it. I heard the last time he got real on his program he got called to the carpet by MSNBC higher-ups.

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