Saturday, July 25, 2009

Let's Keep up the Pressure

Left Coast Rebel reminds us not to let up pressure on our representatives. This past week, I got an email with a link to They publish a list of phone and fax numbers for our representatives, prioritizing them by the ones with the most clout in the health care debate. I personally faxed all those in Tier 1 and some in Tier 2 this past week. And I will go at it again. We cannot let up. We MUST tell them how important it is that they not turn our nation into a SOCIALIST MESS. If you want, can send the faxes for you for a small fee. Just go to their website and fill out the forms, because it has to come with your name on it to be any good.

Option 1 Targets
Title Name Party State/Dist. Phone Fax
Your Senator 1
Your Senator 2
Your Representative
Rep. Barrow John D GA_12 202-225-2823 fax 202-225-3377
Rep. Gordon Bart D TN_06 202-225-4231 fax 202-225-6887
Rep. Harman Jane D CA_36 202-225-8220 fax 202-226-7290
Rep. Hill Baron D IN_09 202-225-5315 fax 202-226-6866
Rep. Matheson James D UT_02 202-225-3011 fax 202-225-5638
Rep. Melancon Charlie D LA_03 202-225-4031 202-226-3944
Rep. Murphy Christopher D CT_05 202-225-4476 202-225-5933
Rep. Ross Michael D AR_04 202-225-3772 202-225-1314
Rep. Space Zack D OH_18 202-225-6265 202-225-3394
Rep. Baldwin Tammy D WI_02 202-225-2906 202-225-6942
Rep. Boucher Rick D VA_09 202-225-3861 202-225-0442
Rep. Braley Bruce D IA_01 202-225-2911 202-225-6666
Option 2 Targets
Above list plus those listed below
Rep. Butterfield G. D NC_01 202-225-3101 202-225-3354
Rep. Capps Lois D CA_23 202-225-3601 202-225-5632
Rep. Castor Kathy D FL_11 202-225-3376 202-225-5652
Rep. Christensen Donna D VI_01 202-225-1790 202-225-5517
Rep. DeGette Diana D CO_01 202-225-4431 202-225-5657
Rep. Dingell John D MI_15 202-225-4071 202-226-0371
Rep. Doyle Michael D PA_14 202-225-2135 202-225-3084
Rep. Engel Eliot D NY_17 202-225-2464 202-225-5513
Rep. Eshoo Anna D CA_14 202-225-8104 202-225-8890
Rep. Gonzalez Charles D TX_20 202-225-3236 202-225-1915
Rep. Green Gene D TX_29 202-225-1688 202-225-9903
Rep. Inslee Jay D WA_01 202-225-6311 202-226-1606
Rep. Markey Edward D MA_07 202-225-2836 202-226-0092
Rep. Matsui Doris D CA_05 202-225-7163 202-225-0566
Rep. McNerney Jerry D CA_11 202-225-1947 202-225-4060
Rep. Pallone Frank D NJ_06 202-225-4671 202-225-9665
Rep. Rush Bobby D IL_01 202-225-4372 202-226-0333
Rep. Sarbanes John D MD_03 202-225-4016 202-225-9219
Rep. Schakowsky Janice D IL_09 202-225-2111 202-226-6890
Rep. Stupak Bart D MI_01 202-225-4735 202-225-4744
Rep. Sutton Betty D OH_13 202-225-3401 202-225-2266
Rep. Waxman Henry D CA_30 202-225-3976 202-225-4099
Rep. Weiner Anthony D NY_09 202-225-6616 202-226-7253
Rep. Welch Peter D VT_01 202-225-4115 202-225-6790
Senator Bayh Evan D Indiana 202-224-5623 202-228-1377
Senator Lieberman Joseph ID Connecticut 202-224-4041 202-224-9750
Senator Begich Mark D Alaska 202-224-3004 202-228-3205
Senator Bennet Michael D Colorado 202-224-5852 202-228-5036
Option 3 Targets
Above list plus those listed below
Senator Carper Thomas D Delaware 202-224-2441 202-228-2190
Senator Hagan Kay D North Carolina 202-224-6342 202-228-2563
Senator Kohl Herb D Wisconsin 202-224-5653 202-224-9787
Senator Landrieu Mary D Louisiana 202-224-5824 202-224-9735
Senator Lincoln Blanche D Arkansas 202-224-4843 202-228-1371
Senator McCaskill Claire D Missouri 202-224-6154 202-228-6326
Senator Nelson Bill D Florida 202-224-5274 202-228-2183
Senator Nelson Ben D Nebraska 202-224-6551 202-228-0012
Senator Shaheen Jeanne D New Hampshire 202-224-2841 202-228-3194
Senator Udall Tom D New Mexico 202-224-6621 202-228-3261
Senator Warner Mark D Virginia 202-224-2023 202-224-6295
Senator Akaka Daniel D Hawaii 202-224-6361 202-224-2126
Senator Baucus Max D Montana 202-224-2651 202-224-9412
Senator Bingaman Jeff D New Mexico 202-224-5521 202-224-2852
Senator Boxer Barbara D California 202-224-3553 202-224-0454
Senator Brown Sherrod D Ohio 202-224-2315 202-228-6321
Senator Burris Roland D Illinois 202-224-2854 202-228-3333
Senator Byrd Robert D West Virginia 202-224-3954 202-228-0002
Senator Cantwell Maria D Washington 202-224-3441 202-228-0514
Senator Cardin Benjamin D Maryland 202-224-4524 202-224-1651
Senator Casey Robert D Pennsylvania 202-224-6324 202-228-0604
Senator Conrad Kent D North Dakota 202-224-2043 202-224-7776
Senator Dodd Christopher D Connecticut 202-224-2823 202-224-1083
Senator Dorgan Byron D North Dakota 202-224-2551 202-224-1193
Senator Durbin Richard D Illinois 202-224-2152 202-228-0400
Senator Feingold Russell D Wisconsin 202-224-5323 202-224-2725
Senator Feinstein Dianne D California 202-224-3841 202-228-3954
Senator Gillibrand Kirsten D New York 202-224-4451 202-228-0282
Senator Harkin Tom D Iowa 202-224-3254 202-224-9369
Senator Inouye Daniel D Hawaii 202-224-3934 202-224-6747
Senator Johnson Tim D South Dakota 202-224-5842 202-228-5765
Senator Kaufman Ted D Delaware 202-224-5042 202-228-3075
Senator Kennedy Edward D Massachusetts 202-224-4543 202-224-2417
Senator Kerry John D Massachusetts 202-224-2742 202-224-8525
Senator Klobuchar Amy D Minnesota 202-224-3244 202-228-2186
Senator Lautenberg Frank D New Jersey 202-224-3224 202-228-4054
Senator Leahy Patrick D Vermont 202-224-4242 202-224-3479
Senator Levin Carl D Michigan 202-224-6221 202-224-1388
Senator Menendez Robert D New Jersey 202-224-4744 202-228-2197
Senator Merkley Jeff D Oregon 202-224-3753 202-228-3997
Senator Mikulski Barbara D Maryland 202-224-4654 202-224-8858
Senator Murray Patty D Washington 202-224-2621 202-224-0238
Senator Pryor Mark D Arkansas 202-224-2353 202-228-0908
Senator Reed Jack D Rhode Island 202-224-4642 202-224-4680
Senator Reid Harry D Nevada 202-224-3542 202-224-7327
Senator Rockefeller John D West Virginia 202-224-6472 202-224-7665
Senator Sanders Bernie I Vermont 202-224-5141 202-228-0776
Senator Schumer Charles D New York 202-224-6542 202-228-3027
Senator Stabenow Debbie D Michigan 202-224-4822 202-228-0325
Senator Tester Jon D Montana 202-224-2644 202-224-8594
Senator Udall Mark D Colorado 202-224-5941 202-224-6471
Senator Al Franken D Minnesota 202-224-5641 202-224-1152
Senator Webb James D Virginia 202-224-4024 202-228-6363
Senator Whitehouse Sheldon D Rhode Island 202-224-2921 202-228-6362
Senator Wyden Ron D Oregon 202-224-5244 202-228-2717
Senator Snowe Olympia R Maine 202-224-5344 202-224-1946
Senator Specter Arlen R Pennsylvania 202-224-4254 202-228-1229
Senator Graham Lindsey R South Carolina 202-224-5972 202-224-3808
Senator Collins Susan R Maine 202-224-2523 202-224-2693
Rep. Shuler Heath D NC_11 202-225-6401 202-226-6422
Rep. Herseth Sandlin Stephanie D SD_01 202-225-2801 202-225-5823
Senator Akaka Daniel D Hawaii 202-224-6361 202-224-2126

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