Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't let up about Obamacare

It looks like there will be no vote on Obamacare before the August recess. Hooray! But we can't let up pressure. I saw this comment today by Gina on Gateway Pundit. It is certainly something I plan on copying/pasting into my next faxes for my (and your) representatives.

I had an email from Axelrod today with the subject header "This Is Not A Game." My response:

Dear Sirs:
If this is not a game, then please start acting like this is not about political gamesmanship rather than real health care reform. I will believe that it is not a game when you have a package that you can sell honestly rather than resorting to political muscle, slick PR, and deception.

I will be forwarding your message to friends and family as you requested, but I will be asking them to contact their Congressional representatives to urge them to:

A. Dump the current fiasco being pushed on us since it is too flawed to be saved;

B. Support real reform measures like tort reform, tax credits for those purchasing private insurance, support for private insurance co-ops, and deregulation that allows companies and individuals to purchase insurance across state lines;

C. Keep the government out of our health care decisions;

D. Reform Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security FIRST before adding a huge new opportunity for waste, fraud and mismanagement to the public purse. The President admitting that 2/3rds of this huge new budget item can be paid for by eliminating waste and fraud in other programs is a damning admission of guilt that government cannot administer social programs effectively. Clean the house up first before adding on a new addition.

When I see movement like this, I will take seriously the administration's words that it wants to help average Americans with our health care needs.

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