Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dust Up in the Press Room!

WOOOO! Watch as Helen Thomas and Chip rip into Gibbs about Obama's fake "Town Hall" meetings, where the audience and questions are pre-selected. "We have never had that [level of control]...I am amazed at you people who call for openness and's a pattern....your formal engagements are pre packaged. How so? Calling reporters the night before to tell them they will be called on? That is shocking!" says Thomas, a vocal supporter of Obama prior to the election, and a self-professed liberal. Gibbs has no good answers. He keeps repeating that Chip and Helen should email questions to the White House if they want to be included in the Town Hall forum. He lied at first and said that the tickets were handed out on a "first come first served basis." And then he admitted that was inaccurate, the tickets were already handed out by the white house and the community college.

Thanks to Rural Red for this.

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