Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cuba Libre? Forget it.

"Subversive messages like the above will no longer be displayed on the news ticker at the US diplomatic mission in Havana.

Barry’s latest attempt to love dictators into submission centers on Cuba, where this goodwill gesture will most likely be a precursor to more substantive talks with the Castros.

Where, no doubt, Barry will make concession after concession without reciprocation.

Castro may look like a harmless incontinent now but never forget that he came this close (pinching my thumb and forefinger together) to nuking the US in 1962.

But who cares about history?"
Great story, Track A Crat. Sometimes it's the little things like this that paint the picture of what is really happening. So we no longer push for freedom in Cuba. Couple that with censoring outgoing emails from the Republican Minority. Add it all up, and what do you get??? Say it with me now. Tyrannosaurus Rex. Er, I mean Tyrant King.

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