Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Pledge to Serve Barack Obama (NOT)

I, personally, pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the (constitutional) REPUBLIC for which it stands, ONE nation (I am not a citizen of the world), under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Here are two video takes on the Pledge to SERVE Barack Obama. Yes, SERVE. What the HECK?

I still can't get over it. SERVE Barack Obama. What can that mean. Are we supposed to get on our hands and knees so he can tread on our back to step up into his helicopter? Certainly blindly follow orders. Whatever is necessary to make HIS presidency a success. Because it is all about HIM. Not America. Not what will lead to success for America. He doesn't care about that. He said so. When he was asked during the campaign if raising taxes on the rich killed business to the point that overall tax revenues decreased would he still do it? He said YES, in the interest of FAIRNESS. He is a class warrior and a COMMUNIST.

Thank you Dr. Dave and Bungalow Bill for these videos.

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