Saturday, September 5, 2009

Marxism, Human Organs, The Constitution, and You!-Bill Turner

The Marxist in Chief has made it very clear in his actions, his statements and his appointments, the most notable of which has been avowed communist and Green Czar Van Jones, that the hope he brought to the White House was for the power hungry backers such as George Soros, who pushed him to the throne and the change was to the American political structure. B. Hussein Obama asked that we judge him, not by his experience, but by the company he keeps. He keeps some pretty strange company and he does some pretty anti-American things.

On September 8th, 2009, the Indoctrinator in Chief will speak to the children of America. There are some pretty interesting components to this indoctrination move, that come on the heal of the It would appear that obama paid attention in history class, at least to the Stalin, Lennon, Mussolini, Hitler and FDR sections. But, do not worry about the speech to the children, I am much more concerned with his announcement on September 11th, that he is building his civilian army, the one he says needs to be as big, strong and well funded as our military. Who are they going to fight? Are they going to protect the border that barack (what the heck is a “barack” anyway?) won’t fence, despite a congressional mandate too? Very curious. And, why do you suppose he is doing this on September 11th? It wouldn’t be to try and diminish American pride and patriotism, so that it makes it easier for he and the czars to finish up their Marxist mission would it?

Those of you who have any doubt about the Marxist intentions of Dear Leader only have to look at the White House calendar: The national flag of the People's Republic of China (PRC) will be hoisted at the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on September 20, 2009. The national flag of China will fly at the White House; I cannot wrap my mind around that one. Given all that has happened since B. Hussein Obama took office, wouldn’t the skull and cross bones be more fitting?

Cass Sunstein, Information and Regulatory Czar, has also assumed the duties of Body Desecration and Organ Harvesting Czar. Cass has advocated a policy under which the government would “presume” someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation into someone else when they die unless that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken. Right now, as an American citizen I have to give permission, usually on my drivers license to be an organ donor. In Sunstein’s America, my organs belong to the state, unless I lay claim to them before hand, presumably by having “Do Not Open” tattooed on my chest in big red letters. Godless, heathen, no good….you get the point. So, under the government health care plan, which is supposed to save money, we are going to do more transplants, at more expense, with all the expensive anti-rejection drugs? No way. I bet they will sell them to China to pay down the debt and get that flag off of our lawn. I wonder if Cass is onto something with his “assumed consent” philosophy…If I don’t pay my taxes, will the government assume to have my consent to sell my shares of GM and Chrysler stock to cover them?

All of this brings us to the crux of the matter, today’s liberals, like yesterday’s liberals, like yesteryears progressives believe that rights are derived from the government. The cult of progressivism has never gone away, it just keeps coming back in a different form. This time it showed up in the form of smiley face progressivism/fascism and has a new toy to use in the battle, the “race card”. The “race card” is supposed to make dissenters quake in their boots and immediately allow the liberal fascist to pass go and collect tofu. Despite the Constitution saying that our rights are “inalienable” and “God given”, the left is pushing the agenda of a second bill of rights, rights bestowed upon us by the sanctity of the government. All we have to give up for them is liberty and freedom.

The foundation of socialism is built on the idea that people who lack the necessities of life are not truly “free.” What good is the freedom of speech to someone weak from hunger? What good is the right of free association, when you’re dying of a heart disease? If you believe that freedom from want is a pre-requisite for enjoying all other forms of freedom, the modern liberal world-view becomes much easier to understand.

The concept of “positive rights” is hostile to the Constitution. The “right” to a job, food, health care, housing, can only exist without individual rights. Under the philosophy of socialism, communism,, liberalism, progressivism or statism, one must surrender their individual liberty for the common good of the state. In return for your freedom, you are given by the government that which they determine you need. Look around you, it is happening everywhere. No smoking laws, helmet laws, no trans fat zones, abolishing fast food and any other restriction on actions of an individual is an encroachment upon your liberty. The State can only provide benefits to some by violating the property rights of others. This crucial concept of progressive taxation (Our income tax) on individual income is based on the idea that the State has a moral right to confiscate and re-distribute resources, which transcends any individual citizen’s right to his own property. Think about it, the rise in imminent domain seizures of property for the public good is based upon this. You cannot have one of the “isms” without taking away personal property.

Doctor Zero states, “Having conceded the supremacy of the State’s needs over the rights of the individual in this area, we find ourselves endlessly fighting over just how much of his property the individual has an absolute right to retain… and the only logical answer is “none.” There is no ethical reason why a government that taxes some people’s income at 35% cannot tax it at 70%, 90%, or higher, to meet the needs of those in the lower tax brackets. We have also established the precedent that those “needs” are infinitely flexible - there are no iron-clad rules that prevent the State from deciding that access to the Internet, mass transportation, food, or housing are “rights” that it has a duty to provide”. How many of you remember the upper tax bracket being ninety percent? I do. It coincided with welfare and other social programs that constitute redistribution of wealth.

Keep in mind the current government, the current regime, both parties, are not here to protect the country and take care of the truly needy. If that were the case, our government would be a fraction the size it is. Both parties, all of our elected leaders on the national level have created a state of perpetual crisis, in order to portray itself as the savior to the people, and in exchange, we give up some more liberty and freedom. The left uses the language of charity to create entitlements such as welfare, in order to take away liberty from the needy, who must jump through the government hoops to receive the aid, and from those whom they take the money to fund these programs. The liberals have created class warfare and stirred racial warfare, in order to keep the people divided and fighting one another, not the real villains, the liberals.

Our forefathers who put together the Constitution were visionaries and understood the challenges that would come when they were gone. The Constitution begins with rights that are inherent, God given, inalienable and here long before you, they transcend man and time. These are the rights that establish the government and compel its actions. These rights are also each individuals rights and compel us as a free people. The difference between liberty and anarchy is responsibility. The freedoms and rights granted to us, come with the responsibility to use them.

Look upon the “isms” as a group of children, each operating based upon his or her own primal need, each demanding something from the parent, in this case the government. As the screams get louder and the behavior uglier, the state manages the demands of its people by deciding whose rights to violate first, in order to shut the other group up. There are never enough resources to go around under any of the “isms” as they do not provide the citizens with the motivation to produce more, for if you do, the state takes it and gives it to the slacker neighbor who was whining and not working.

Do you want to stop the “isms”? Then you must be responsible. Stop demanding health care, lower fuel prices, discounts and rebates on cars, refrigerators and the like. Every time you ask for something, the government uses it as an excuse to rush in and “solve” the problem. You are entitled to “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. The Constitution does not entitle you to a house with heated Italian tile floors in the bathroom, a sixty inch plasma TV and a Hummer in the driveway. If you cannot get those things on your own, and you allow the government to give them to you, there will be strings attached. The government becomes the puppet master and you become the puppet.

Stand tall America and demand what you are entitled to, what you deserve, what was given to you by the visionaries that came before us, your right to be free from oppression and tyranny. Stand tall and demand from your neighbors, your employer, your politicians and yourself, your inalienable rights. Use them. Defend them. Do not let them slip away from you, for they are much harder to restore than they are to keep.

Bill Turner
US Western Region Coordinator
The Patriotic Resistance

Idaho State President
The American Constitution & Capitalism Defense Front

What we do in life echoes in eternity!

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