Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MSM Going After Joe Wilson's Kids

The state-run media is stalking Joe Wilson's children hoping to build a case that their father is a bigot.
The AP reported:

U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson's oldest son defended his father against a claim by former President Jimmy Carter that the congressman's outburst during a speech by President Barack Obama was "based on racism."

Responding to an audience question at a town hall at his presidential center in Atlanta, Carter said Tuesday that Wilson's outburst was also rooted in fears of a black president.

"I think it's based on racism," Carter said. "There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president."

But Wilson's son disputed that.

"There is not a racist bone in my dad's body," said Alan Wilson, an Iraq veteran who is running for state attorney general in South Carolina. "He doesn't even laugh at distasteful jokes. I won't comment on former President Carter, because I don't know President Carter. But I know my dad, and it's just not in him."

"It's unfortunate people make that jump. People can disagree — and appropriately disagree — on issues of substance, but when they make the jump to race it's absolutely ludicrous. My brothers and I were raised by our parents to respect everyone regardless of background or race."

More at Gateway Pundit.

Gateway Pundit also has many excellent commenters. Here are some comments that caught my eye.

The whole liberatti crew MUST be getting desperate. When you trot out (nearly) dead, and completely irrelevent ex-presidents, and start throwing the race card around, the gig is up. BTW, the race card is the 53rd card in the deck.
Well the memo has obviously gone out from the desk of Rahm Emanuel. ANYONE who disagrees with the policies of Barack Obama is a RACIST. Period.

And the MSM will flog us with that every single day for the next 3 years. The TRUE racists are those on the left. They are the one's CONSTANTLY bringing up race. Republicans never even mention it.

Republicans lead the equal rights movement while Democrats belonged to the Klu Klux Klan. A Republican freed the slaves.

The more I look at this Administration and how they have the MSM in thier back pocket, the more I become fearful that true evil is at work here.

ACORN Scandal gets NO mention on CNN. Van Jones gets NO mention on CNN. But a washed up former POTUS who is widely considered the WORST POTUS of all time makes some idiotic comment about any opposition to Obama being racism and it is the lead story.

Utter bullsh*t.
Bill Mitchell
Wilson was right. The provision for illegals was in there and Obama lied about it.

Which is why Democrats talked about changing it and why the networks have been given their orders not to discuss the merit of the allegation, but rather attack the messenger.

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