Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama the Neo Marxist, Mark Lloyd the Fascist

I'm too angry about Obama's UN speech today to say much about it except that I am not surprised to hear him tearing America down. This disgusting behavior is what I expect from a man of his character.

Today's business is Mark Lloyd, the new Fascist FCC "Diversity" Czar. Lloyd thinks that there are too many white people in radio. He wants "more people of color, gays..." And this man is in charge of FCC Diversity. Heaven help us!

Mark Lloyd, a disciple of Saul Alinsky and fan of Hugo Chavez, wants to destroy talk radio and says free speech is a distraction. The new FCC diversity "czar" says Venezuela is an example we should follow.

Lloyd praises Hugo Chavez's "incredible revolution" in Venezuela and the way "Chavez began to take very seriously the media in his country" by imposing restraints on cable TV and revoking the licenses of more than 200 radio stations" that insufficiently toed the Chavez party line.

Lloyd long ago declared war on unbridled talk radio and cable news. He wrote that "our work was not simply convincing policy makers of the logic and morality of our arguments. We understood that we were in a struggle for power against an opponent, the commercial broadcasters."

Michael Savage calls Obama a Neo Marxist. He says Obama means well. Pol Pot meant well. He was a college professor and tried an experiment which ended up with 2 million human skulls. You, as an American, have an obligation to stand up and speak out. Not only a right but an obligation.

Hat Tip The Naked Truth, Nearly Nobody's News.

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