Friday, September 25, 2009

It's too much

Today's Headlines. It's too much. Terrorist threats everywhere. Foreign nutjobs spewing hate and inappropriate LOVE. It is overwhelming.

Drudge's headlines today:

Why are these terrorists coming out of the woodwork? Er. Could it be that there is a lack of DETERRENCE? Could it be that they know we don't have the will, as a country led by President Pantywaist, to fight terrorism? Oh, yeah. Contingency operations. Not terrorism anymore. There is no such thing as terrorism. It's OK as long as they blow up the other guy, right?

And here are some other inspirational stories on Gateway Pundit's:

Gee, isn't it grand to know that Iran has MORE nuke facilities. Just warms the cockles of my heart. NOT. What will President Pantywaist do about it? Oh, nevermind. He is too busy at the UN lovefest to worry about these types of details. Also, Gaddafi spoke of Obama "my son". He must have known about the donation. Does this strike anyone as odd? Or is it just me. And a world without nukes. Ummm, great. Can't unbreak that piggy bank. Anyone who operates as if it is possible is a child. Grown ups understand the power of deterrence and peace through strength.

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