Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sen. DeMint Challenges Obama to go Line by Line on Obamacare as he Promised

Obama is going to have a speak-in with Congress tonight. What will he say? Hopefully he will get specific about the bill. And stop the blame game.

"But I want to hear him defend his bill. I want him to open up the house bill that was passed and actually point to sections…and say it is in there, read it… I don’t want to hear any generalities, I don’t want to hear any more false promises… He needs to defend his plan and not just criticize those of us who are presenting alternatives," says DeMint.

Comments on Hot Air:

“Now let me be clear…..(insert platitudes and the salesman pitch)”
The majority of the people don’t have an issue with the concept of tweaking our health care system to make it better. We have a fear of another government takeover of our liberties. Why do we have that fear? BECAUSE IT’S IN THE DAMN BILL. Maybe Obama will read it someday.

Line-by-line is exactly what is needed. It doesn’t matter what Obama says, the only things that matter are the words that are written within the currently proposed legislation. Obama will lie, obfuscate, do a soft shoe dance then implement the same socialist healthcare manifesto he’s been pushing since the beginning. Agree with nothing he says until you see it in writing or have it explained to you. If you do otherwise, you do it at your own peril.

The President must speak in generalities. All the specifics are ugly. According to the plan, Americans will be forced to buy coverage or pay a penalty. Who would vote for that?!

I’m also willing to bet that Obama repeats the lies that the options are his plan, or the status quo, and that the opposition has not presented any alternatives to his plan.

He said this on Monday. High likelihood he’ll do it again. He needs to deflect attention away from the collapse in the Democratic party by blaming Republicans for his woes in passing the bill. He also needs to make it seem like his opponents have no plan and are only motivated by pure political hatred. All lies and he knows it.

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