Monday, September 28, 2009

Chicago Ordered Not to Run Anti-Olympics Story

Link: Chicagoans for Rio

The Chicago Olympic Committee told Fox that their report would hurt Chicago's chance to be awarded the games. They were told not to re broadcast after the story aired once, according to Drudge.

Bob Wire commented on Breitbart TV:
I live in Chicago—Fox News is leading their News tonight and last night with a film of an Honor Roll Student being beaten to death by Chicago Gang members on his way home from school and in front of a Youth Community Center. This film alone should be enough for the IOC, presently in Copenhagen making their City decision, to NOT choose Chicago—its dangerous here folks…two college kids were killed last night after the youth was beaten to death on Friday—and just this morning (after midnight) a person was shot at the Rock n Roll McDonalds in the exclusive River North (tourist) area of downtown. Its out of control. I’m sorry to say its all, yes, all Blacks involved in these beatings, shootings, and killings this weekends, but thats the reality here now…poor angry Black Youths are killing other people. Our Mayor is not doing his part to bring them hope through jobs, training, education, recreation—he’s only concerned about getting the Olympics. So very sad, a whole generation and culture is dying. We dont need the Olympics, let Rio, or Madrid, or Tokyo have them—they at least can control their criminal element where tourists wont be harmed or killed.

Of course, President Obama himself is going abroad to plead for the Olympics. Since when does a president do this when we have so many issues to deal with. He doesn't even have time to return General McChrystal's phone calls from Afghanistan.

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