Monday, September 7, 2009

Van Jones Never Filled Out 7-Page Questionnaire

The White House claims that Van Jones never filled out the 63-question, 7-page questionnaire that was developed for vetting of people in consideration for cabinet positions for as czars, according to Breitbart TV. A commenter on Breitbart had this to say:

So what? The white house simply sends out random requests for czars and takes whoever answers the mailing? What a pathetic attempt to save face. Obama knew this racist/communist radical to be what he was, it was the reason he was selected in the first place.

Obama was depending on the mainstream news media to hold their silence on Van Jones or any other commie he named as czar. NY Times, LA Times, ABC, NBC, CBS held the line on this, not reporting until Van Jones himself knew the jig was up. Is is clear now–to you newsies–just how important a actual FREE press is in a country. The aforementioned media outlets are not free presses, they are propaganda wings of the democrat party.

Boycott em. Don’t watch their spin filled news or their biased pages. So many are going out of business, but this is good thing. They just might notice, if they actually report unfiltered news, people will buy their papers and depend on their broadcasts for information. As it stands now, the vast, liberal news media are little more than pushers of poorly written dem fantasies.

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