Monday, September 7, 2009

Blue Dog Pipe Dreams

American Thinker caused me to think last night. Could we rope and corral a bunch of Blue Dogs NOW and gain a Republican advantage in congress without waiting for 2010? Impossible? I agree, it sounds far fetched. (Ooo, bad pun. Fetch, doggie, fetch). On the other hand, can it hurt to try? It could be beneficial to the Blue Dogs and well as the Republicans. And yes, I know that their votes would dilute the conservative "purity" of the party (as if we ever had that in the first place), but desperate times call for desperate measures. The Blue Dogs have been voting ever more to the left under pressure from Nancy Pelosi. As they are aware of the conservative mood swing of the country, they may be relieved to be out from under the oppressive leftist in the democrat party. And as you can see by the graphic above, they have been vilified by their own party. Remember. There are enough Democrats to push through Obamacare. There is no need for Republican support. It is the Blue Dogs who prevented passage of the bill before the August break. It is they who gave the American People the opportunity to speak out at the health care town halls. Here is what American Thinker had to say:

"Republicans should form a coalition with the Blue Dogs to stage a peaceful overthrow of the Democrats' majority in the House of Representatives. If Republican leaders can convince at least 70 percent of the 52 Blue Dog members to become Republicans, the party would regain its majority. Granted, 70 percent is a huge number, but coalitions are enticing when both member groups can become better off, and that appears to be the case for this one.

As Republicans, the Blue Dogs might get:

A few more committee positions from the new Republican majority
Some RNC and PAC campaign funding
Higher approval ratings from their constituents
A much better chance of getting reelected in 2010

As the new House majority party, Republicans (and all Americans) might get:

A Republican Speaker that drives a conservative agenda
Immediate defeat of the nationalized healthcare bill, HR 3200
Probable defeat of the carbon tax bill, HR 2454 (By refusing to negotiate with the Senate when they demand changes to the earlier House version)
Legislation to "annul" the so-called stimulus bill, since most of it has yet to be spent (Voters would have to pressure the Senate and president, though)
Defeat of all job-killing union favoritism bills and the planned tax hike
Defeat of all Internet and radio censorship bills
A roaring economy, job gains, 401K gains, and big wins in 2010

Conservative purists might reject the notion of weakening the Republican Party by adding three- or four-dozen Leftist Congressmen. But Mr. Obama has declared ideological war on America and sometimes it's necessary to form compromise alliances in such dire circumstances to avoid losing everything. Recall that America formed an uncomfortable alliance with the Leftist Soviets to defeat the fascist powers in the Second World War. Perhaps history is just repeating itself on a domestic battlefield."

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.-- T. E. Lawrence

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