Saturday, February 5, 2011

Disgusting! Obama gives Russians U.K. Nuke secrets for START support

O. M. G.

How much damage can one usurper do.

This Barry Soetoro, occupier of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, decided on his own that British secrets regarding their Trident warheads were not going to be so secret anymore once the Russians asked him for the information. The Brits declined to reveal the exact size of their nuclear arsenal, and Wikileaks documents reveal that Obama went ahead and gave the Russians ALL the serial numbers of Trident missiles the U.S. has transferred to Britain.

W. T. F.

So much for the "special" relationship between our countries. With friends like these, who needs enemies. Obama is a user. He has done everything in his power to insult and offend our traditional allies. And now this.

I am so sorry. To my U.K. readers, I apologize for my fellow countrymen who elected this babyish narcissist to the White House. I shudder when people refer to Obama as the leader of the free world. He couldn't lead a boy scout troop. I doubt he'd pass the background check. What a bunch of dolts voted for this piece.

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