Monday, February 7, 2011

Is NYC the abortion capital of the U.S.A. at 41% of all pregnancies?

New York City released their vital statistics recently for year 2009. Did you know that 41% of all pregnancies in that city end in abortion? 87K "induced terminations" compared to 127K live births. What is all this about "safe, legal and rare"? Sounds like a load of B.S. There is nothing at all rare about abortion.

Some like to blame this on single motherhood, but of all of their live births, 55,767 were to unwed mothers and 71,006 were to married ladies.

Of the 87K abortions, 41K were to blacks, 28K to hispanics, 10K to whites and 5K to asians.

Bottom line, black women had 27.4K births and 41k abortions in NYC in 2009. More abortions than births, about 4 out of 7. Hispanic women had 40K births and 28K abortions, about 3 out of 7. White women had 38K births and 10K abortions, about 1 out of 5. Asian women had 18K births and 5K abortions, about 1 out of 5.

The New York Times failed to mention that 4 our of 7 black pregnancies end in abortion. But they did manage to interview a few young ladies at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Greenwich Village.
A 17-year-old girl there to pick up a friend said she had had an abortion in May. It was her second; the first was when she was 15. The girl said she sometimes used condoms. “But I wasn’t using them when I got pregnant,” she said. “I might use them more now, but I don’t know.” Like the other women outside the clinic, she asked not to be named to preserve her privacy.

A 20-year-old woman being helped by two male friends said she had her first abortion at 16, and also had a 7-month-old child. “It was an accident,” the woman said. “I used a condom every time, but I already have a kid, and I’m not ready for another one.”

Another woman, who was 22, said she had become pregnant after not using birth control because a doctor had told her she was infertile. “I’ve always been against abortion,” the woman, who lives on Staten Island, said. “But if I had a kid now, it would have a terrible life. I’d rather wait.”

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