Monday, February 21, 2011

Obamaverse: Coptics and Libyans under fire, muslims eye USA

Have the unicorns and rainbows arrived yet? Have the seas begun to recede? Does everybody love America? Where's that hopey/change we were promised!

Coptic Egyptian Christians were strongly urged to bow in islamic prayer with muslims during a rally last Friday in Tahrir Square. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, led Friday prayers.
A Coptic Christian at the event told WND the request was intimidating.
"Whether he meant to or not, this was asking Christian to bow in an act of submission to Islam and Allah," said the Christian, who asked that he named be withheld.
"There were maybe 250,000 people at the rally. Almost all were Muslims. So when we (Christians) are asked to bow, and we are in the extreme minority in the crowd, it is intimidating."
The Christian witness said thousands of Christians in attendance at the rally did not bow.
A Coptic Christian leader told WND he believes Qaradawi's request may reflect a larger emerging Islamic role in Egypt.

Gaddafi orders Libyan military to strafe and bomb protesters. 450 dead. Some Libyan fighter pilots defect to Malta. Libyan ambassador to UK resigns and goes outside embassy to join protesters. Can you believe how he looks in this picture? Did he commandeer the services of the Lion Woman's plastic surgeon?

Anti-American muslims to demonstrate for Sharia in front of White House March 3rd.
Scene of protest: British extremist cleric Anjem Choudary plans to mount a pro-Islam demonstration outside the White House next month

Did you know that March 3rd will be We Hate America Day on the White House lawn? Feel free to counter-demonstrate. We should give them a nice American "welcome".
British extremist Anjem Choudary - who once said 'the flag of Islam will fly over the White House' - has announced he will lead a demonstration calling on Muslims to establish the Sharia law across America.
The rally, planned for March 3, is to take place just weeks after his on-screen row with Fox News presenter Sean Hannity.
Mr Choudary, 43, called Americans 'the biggest criminals in the world today.'
The former leader of outlawed group Islam4UK told the Daily Star 'we expect thousands to come out and support us.'
Mr Choudary said the March rally was organised by the Islamic Thinkers society, an extremist group based in New York.
Two other British extremists, Abu Izzadeen and Sayful Islam, have also been asked to speak at the demonstration.

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