Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Portions of Patriot Act set to expire Feb 28th

Will congress renew the Patriot Act without debate? That seems to be what the Wall Street Journal expects will happen.

Three sections of the USA Patriot Act are up for a vote on Feb. 28:

1. Roving surveillance of suspects who try to evade court-authorized wiretaps under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
2. Access to business records related to intelligence and terrorism investigations.
3. Surveillance of a "lone wolf" or suspect who isn't affiliated with a known group or foreign power.

All three of these activities now occur without a warrant, without oversight by a judge. This is not constitutional, in that under the fourth amendment we are entitled to protection from warrantless searches of our persons, papers and effects.

If we will not adhere to the constitution now, then WHEN! When the islamists give up and quit? That is not going to happen any time soon. We must keep our country safe and FREE for our citizens NOW. And stop letting foreigners determine our domestic policy. We must not let them take away our freedom or they WIN!

One commenter gave a form letter to send to congresspeople:
re: Repeal the Patriot Act. It is not lawfully possible to extend its provisions.

You honor your oath to support and defend our Constitution and hold it dear.
Yet, error may still occur unknowingly.
For that reason I write to remind you that “Any scheme or artifice to defraud” the citizens of the United States of America of the full immunities and benefits of our
Fourth Amendment to the Constitution,
. . "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
. . effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
. . violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported
. . by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
. . searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
By enacting a vote to continue the Patriot Act even for one day is a felony 18USC1341->1346 “Frauds & Swindles” (NOT subject of the Art.I Sect.6 immunity) given the inevitable communication of that vote’s effect.

I trust that you will take care to do your duty.

Yet I am concerned that other less knowledgeable members of Congress might bring you into danger by their vote to extend the Patriot Act.
Your witness of their enacting a vote to extend will establish a 18USC4 “Misprision of Felony” burden upon you.
Please advise your fellow Congressmen of the burden that our penal code places upon them.
The expiration of the unconstitutional Patriot Act needs to occur by either default or unanimous rejection of extension – Our country does not need the burden of broad criminal indictment on Congressmen at this time.

There is evidence that prior votes for the Patriot Act were made in ignorance and so were without criminal intent. This vote is different.

The nature of the Patriot Act’s scheme to defraud us of our Constitution’s Fourth Amendment is now evidenced as being known by all Congressmen so criminal intent will be conclusively established and the criminal act would be a matter established by public record.

When delivering that warning to Congress I ask that you call for a record of each Congressman's vote so you clear yourself of any taint of criminal culpability in this mater.

Thanks again for becoming my Congressional Representative. I know that takes courage even if your love of freedom makes the courage seem small to you.


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