Friday, February 18, 2011

Wisconsin Dems looking for a Saddam-like hidey-hole

via freakingnews

In all my years I have never heard of such a thing as one party of lawmakers fleeing a state and hiding in a neighboring state for political advantage. Is is so difficult for teacher to face ponying a little cash for their pensions and health insurance?  Is it so hard for the government worker to face the difficulties that the private sector employee has been putting up with for years?  What would our founders think of the Dems' cynical ploy. Is it true that Wisconsin law prevents recall before the first years has been served in office? Could they be charged with abandonment? Dereliction of duty? This action is wrong in so many ways.  They outta be ashamed.
Below is a video of the shameful fugitives via Shawsblog if you haven't already seen it:

Hoosiertoo says, "never mind the fence on the southern border. {Wisconsin} residents should be building a fence on the Illinois border."

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