Friday, February 4, 2011

Outrage! American female soldiers forced to give up helmet for hijab

Are we going to Muslim countries like Iraq and Afghanistan to liberate their women or Militaryfemales1to be politically correct? The Female Engagement Team program officially started Oct. 1, 2010 though some teams have been operating in Afghanistan since late May 2010, according to Stars and Stripes.  How many of our female soldiers are being force to be politically correct and wear the Islamic headdress?  We don't know how many 'teams' there are, how many are on those teams, how long these teams will continue to work.
Margaret Calhoun Hemenway at the American Thinker says:
Most important, a headscarf is no protection against a sniper or IED. A helmet is standard protective gear for the most important part of the human body: the brain. A female soldier in a headscarf limits her peripheral vision, a problem when operating in a hostile or potentially hostile environment. With the bizarre hybrid of a camouflage uniform topped by a headscarf, a female service member is identifying herself as an American soldier but simultaneously making a concession to Islam (in uniform, as a representative of the American government) -- hardly an image to inspire confidence, and one that will provoke derision from a religiously motivated enemy that views such acts as weakness.
More at Right Truth.

I am not OK with this. You are either undercover or you are not. Having American ladies dressed as half-soldier, half-submissive-muslim-woman is ridiculous. This is supposed to turn Afghan ladies into U.S. supporters? B.S.! How dare they subject our brave fighting troops to this humiliation. Next our generals will wear male muslim head garb, in order to make the locals "more comfortable".  We do not expend blood and treasure in the middle east for the islamization of our people.  This is outrageous!

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