Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Finally! The battle is ON!

As a member of the Tea Party, I have waited and waited and waited for the opportunity to have reps representing me in Washington and in the state governments. 2009 was a nightmare when the Democrats had supermajorities in Washington. We marched and the politicians laughed in our faces.

November 2010 brought relief and now the battle is joined. Dems and union reps, sorry. Or should I say, "Sowwy, Chawlie!" You had your day. You showed who you are. You organized and beat up grandma and grandpa at August 2009 townhalls when the American People marched against Obamacare. Remember that? The health care deal that was so wonderful that you decided to claim exemptions and waivers from it for yourselves, but it was fine for the rest of Americans? You showed who you are in California when your teacher's union donated a MILLION DOLLARS to campaign for gay marriage against prop 8. What on Earth does prop 8 have to do with the California teachers union! Just yesterday Dems urged unions to "get a little bloody". Is that the new civility? You should be ashamed!

So forgive me if I look with satisfaction at Governor Scott Walker's determination to strip you of your unfettered access to the government teat. Leaders from 50 Tea Party groups likewise pledge their support to Gov. Scott Walker. We believe that your salaries and benefits need to be brought into line with the private sector. Your collective bargaining power makes it almost impossible to control costs of benefits. You are parasites that are killing the host and We The People are saying ENOUGH!

Indiana has moved legislation limiting union fees. Democrat lawmakers again fled across state lines.

Arizona is passing more rules aimed at protecting their state from parasitic illegals. They even took away the anchor baby rules. Yay. No more 9-month-pregnant Mexican women waddling across the border.

America will be a better place some day, I hope. We can be more competitive when we don't have to pay inflated salaries to union thugs. Then maybe some of our businesses and jobs will come back. Is that so hard to understand? Business is not our enemy. Business is our employer. You and your leftist friends need to stop ruining the economy for the rest of us. Obama's spending spree only deepened the recession into a depression. We will come out of it, but only after gaining control of SPENDING. We must live within our means. That means no more deficit spending. That means budget cuts. DEEP cuts. Get used to it.

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