Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day = Day of Rage in Iran

From The Blaze:
In Iran it is estimated that a staggering 70% of all Iranians are under 30 and a “day of rage” is being planned for Monday, Valentines Day AND just last month the government banned the production of anything to do with Valentines Day in Iran, stating;
“Printing and producing any products related to Valentine’s Day, including posters, brochures, advertising cards, boxes with the symbols of hearts, half-hearts, red roses and any activities promoting this day are banned,” read the instruction. “Authorities will take legal action against those who ignore the ban.”
Coincidence?    I think not.
Saturday’s Wall Street Journal Op-Ed piece from Melik Kaylan boils it down for us;
The Iranian state has pronounced against unauthorized mingling of the sexes, rap music, rock music, Western music, women playing in bands, too-bright nail polish, laughter in hospital corridors, ancient Persian rites-of-spring celebrations (Nowrooz), and even the mention of foreign food recipes in state media. This last may sound comically implausible, but it was officially announced by a state-run website on Feb. 6. So now the true nature of pasta as an instrument of Western subversion has been revealed.
The regime’s posture turns the smallest garden-variety gestures into thrilling acts of subversion. Slipping a Valentine card to a girlfriend takes on the significance of samizdat. Every firecracker set off during Nowrooz diminishes the police state’s claims to omniscience. The mullahs have appointed themselves the enemy of fun; as a result, wherever fun herniates into view, it is a politicized eruption of defiance.

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