Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fox News Team Severely Beaten and Hospitalized in Cairo

FOX News Channel's veteran foreign correspondent Greg Palkot and his camerman Olaf Wiig have suffered severe injuries in Cairo while covering the unrest in the Egypt capital. Palkot was badly beaten and Wiig has a possible broken jaw after attacked by pro-Hosni Mubarak supporters yesterday. Both were hospitalized overnight. Out of concern for the safety of its journalists, Fox News kept the incident a secret until their release from the hospital today. In 2007, the same producer, Olaf Wiig, was taken hostage in the Gaza strip with correspondent Steve Centanni. They were released 2 weeks later.
Their injuries were described as "grave".

More here.

Maggie at Maggie's Notebook wrote today about female journalists from the Washington Post that are now missing.  I worry about their safety.  Why are we sending beautiful women into a war zone?

CNN's Anderson Cooper and his team were attacked and beaten in Egypt.

ABC's Christiane Amanpour and Brian Hartman were attacked on different occasions.

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