Monday, February 14, 2011

Terrorist fundraiser in conservative Yorba Linda, CA, citizens protest

YORBA LINDA, Calif. (KABC) -- Hundreds protested in Orange County on Sunday night, accusing speakers at an Islamic fundraiser of being radical Muslims.

"You're messing with Americans now. We're not England, we're not British, we're Americans," one protester yelled.

The protesters are upset over the speakers who headlined an event at the Yorba Linda Community Center. Spokesman Waqas Syed said the Islamic Circle of North America is raising money to fight homelessness and abuse, and the speakers were only invited to talk about their charity work.

Brooklyn-based Imam Siraj Wahhaj was once named as a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, but he was never charged.

"He has said specifically he is in favor of Sharia law and stoning of women," said Rep. Ed. Royce.

Imam Amir Abdel Malik Ali publicly supports Hezbollah, which the CIA calls a terrorist group.

"These people are known terrorist instigators, not even terrorist sympathizers," said activist Deborah Pauly.
The Orange County Register failed to mention that Congressman Gary Miller (CA-42) and Congressman Ed Royce (CA-40) spoke at the protest against the islamic fundraiser. Also speaking were Yorba Linda city council-persons Nancy Rikel and John Anderson, and Villa Park City Councilwoman Deborah Pauly.

ICNA is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali says, "The Israelis were in control of 9-11," which "was staged to give an excuse to wage war against Muslims around the world." "Stay conscious and ask Allah to raise the Muslims and give us victory over the disbeliever." When it's all over, the only one standing is gonna be us (Muslims)."

Siraj Wahaj is referred to by the Muslim Brotherhood as the "American Imam". He was named as an Unindicted Co Conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing investigation in 1993. He believes in converting gang members to Islam for the "day America will crumble." Wahaj says for the faithful "to go into the hood and prisons and convert disenfranchised minorities, and then arm and train them to carry out an Uzi Jihad in the inner cities."

Susan, spokesperson for the City of Yorba Linda Parks and Recreation Department said that the city was aware that the ICNA was scheduled to have an event at the center, but that they were a "public, city/community facility.  Legally, by state law you cannot deny a group access to the public facility."  The Parks and Rec department fielded many calls of protest prior to the event.

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