Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Ad that brought down Dede Scozzafava?

I found this on the Politico and the entire story whined about so-called Republican dirty tricks. Ha! Her own people could not repudiate the truth of the advertisement. Just said it was tricky, pretending that progressives endorsed her candidacy. Well, guess what. We learned a thing or two lately. We learned to actually LOOK at someone's past voting record to try to gauge what kind of person they are. And conservatives are in NO MOOD to put up with somebody who calls themselves a Republican, yet is endorsed by unions, supports gay marriage, card check and Obozo's stimulus that didn't stimulate anything. She is a Democrat that happens to have an (R) next to her name. The ad was run by an independent group against a Republican, by the way. So "Republican Dirty Tricks" is as inaccurate a headline as you can possibly get.

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