Monday, October 26, 2009

UN to Investigate US Housing? Are There No Homeless in Darfur?

What on EARTH! THEY want to investigate US? There is an entire THIRD WORLD of LOUSY housing and THEY are coming HERE? WHAT????!!!!!

The American Patriot Commission has this to say:

B. Hussein Obama is to be condemned for allowing the United Nations to
investigate the housing crisis in America. Why allow UN inspectors
access and authority over the sovereignty of America, each state and
each sovereign citizen in America? This is a disgrace.

B. Hussein Obama is a disgrace as a leader and a president. He is not
presidential. B. Hussein Obama should call Barney Frank to his office
and demand his resignation if he wants someone to blame the housing
crisis on. Barney spent his time pushing for Freddie and Fannie (no
pun intended) to loosen the strings on lending and he fought every
attempt to control those agencies.

B. Hussein Obama, you are a disgrace to America for YOUR failure to
accept responsibility for this fiasco. You are a lousy leader, for
failing to call for the resignation of those who caused this (Barney
Frank and Chris Dodd). And, ultimately, you are a weak and spineless
leader for allowing the UN to even think they have any sway in America.

Shame on you B. Hussein Obama!

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