Monday, October 19, 2009

So Many Great Bloggers, So Little Time

The internet is on FIRE. My blog traffic has doubled, DOUBLED in the last week. Why? I think people are starving for news. Real news, opinions of real people, unabashed personal writing of average Americans. I know I love getting my news from the blogs. Sure I read and listen to commercial outlets, but hearing my blogging friend's take on the news is worth more than all of the paid pundits in the world to me. In fact, I like my friends' writing so much, I often copy/paste from their blogs straight here.

Today I have a conundrum. Too many great pieces. So allow me to point you in the right direction.

Dr. Dave outdid himself again, today, for snark. He wrote an expletive-laced rant in which he advises us to "Kill all the lawyers, pass tort reform, and open the insurance borders."

RightKlik published a video of one of my favorite capitalists. John Mackey is the CEO of Whole Foods Market. He points out that government already spends 50% of the dollars spent on health care. And they heavily regulate the other half. Government intervention has hampered the system to this point. He believes in capitalism, markets and the empowerment of individual choice.

Soloman published two you tube recordings of Glenn Beck's interview of Lord Monckton from today, October 19, 2009. Beck and Monckton discussed Monckton's warning that if Obama signs the treaty of Copenhagen in December, he will cede the sovereignty of Americans. And there is a link to Glenn Beck's transcript of the radio interview, for those who prefer reading to listening.

And my friend, Chupacabra, wrote his weekly Monday's Missives this morning, and he included a link to this sweet, lovely love story. You KNOW I'm a sucker for a love story. So here is the actual video. Just because.

And finally, I would like to present an award for the best post title of the week. More need not be said about this Red State post, the title says it all:
"Baucus Bill Will Kill You If Implemented or If Dropped On Your Head"

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