Saturday, October 3, 2009

Follow the ACORN Money...

...and the false god will crumble.

Besides the recent videos exposing mortgage and tax fraud activities you can rest assure that there is a hell of a lot of money laundering going on too.
This is how it works. The object is to turn federal and state grant monies into campaign contributions. That's what money laundering is in the public sector; turn an apple into a peach. You give the federal and state grant money back to the politician that first gave you the money but you are converting it from public funds to campaign funds that the politician can walk away with after he or she retires or decides not to run again.
Can you spell payoff? I can. I just did.
This is corruption at it's worst.
Congressmen from the right are now insisting that Attorney General Eric Holder investigate ACORN under the RICO Act which would classify them as a criminal enterprise similar to the Mafia. Will he? We will see.
Washington is a tangled web of deals and compromises that with every administration becomes more complicated as the issues become more important.
If you recall, a few weeks ago the Cheney/CIA investigations where picked up by the AG's office. The uproar from the right was thunderous.
Finally, this ACORN explosion has given the right an issue that could unseat many in congress and the left are running scared. I have never seen the congress unfund an organization so quickly. And with no investigation.
Hat Tip Nicholas Contompasis.

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