Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tom McClintock is Speaking Right Now

This has been a great seminar. I learned a lot about blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and other ways to the the word out.

Now Tom McClintock is speaking about Cap and Tax. AB32 was signed in CA in 2006 by gov Schwartzenegger. This bill is similar to Cap and Tax. At the time, the governator said it would be good for industry. Turns out there is a great way to create a successful small business in CA. All you need to do is start with a successful LARGE business. The people of Truckee, CA already have seen their electricity prices double. There has been NO explosion of green jobs as Schwartzenegger had promised. CA has lost TONS of jobs. The U S will likewise LOSE TONS of jobs if Cap and Tax goes through. There will be a net loss of 2.4 million jobs, according to the Heritage Foundation. The Obama Whitehouse says this would cost every family 1,700.00 per year MINIMUM. People will not be able to afford to heat their homes or businesses in Obama's Utopia. We have yet to discover a more expensive way of generating electricity. Hydroelectric is the cheapest kind. Nuclear energy is next, then coal is third cheapest. Next comes wind then natural gas. If energy independence is our goal, shouldn't we get serious about developing the vast resources of energy in our country right now?
Another good question. Why are all the other bodies in the solar system also undergoing global warming? Google Mars warming if you have questions about this. We appear to be in a cooling trend that started in 1998.
We are locked in a battle over control of our nation with what can only be described as the lunatic fringe. If this is allowed to pass it will be the biggest mistake since Hoover messed up to cause the Great Depression. Something is stirring across America today...and that is the American Spirit. What can WE do. Agitate, agitate, agitate. Stand up and speak out every chance you get, in person and online.
The Obama left might have super majorities, but they have lost the American People. Your voices have made a difference. If you keep doing what you are doing every day, you WILL HAVE SAVED OUR COUNTRY.

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